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Real Night Vision For Airsoft? Introducing AGM Global Vision!

Published 2024-08-05 by Tyler J.

Want to take your Night Game to the next level?

The endgame of any military kit, airsoft or not, is a solid Night Vision device. NVGs (Night Vision Goggles) equip you with the superpower of darkvision, giving you a clearer picture of what's ahead in situations where human eyes will fail you. As cool as it sounds, there’s a reason you don’t see every other airsofter attending night games with a NV tube to look through: Real ones cost quite a pretty penny. Certain devices can cost well over $10k, creating a massive barrier to entry to any typical hobbyist. While investing in a night vision device shouldn’t be on every airsofter’s agenda, we at have partnered with AGM Global Vision to provide the most dedicated of players a genuine NVG option right on our website. AGM’s devices are some of the most cost-efficient in the night vision industry, providing a fair amount of visibility at a price within reason for a hobbyist looking to attain that final piece of their military kit. NVGs aren’t something anyone should jump into blindly, however. Each device has it’s advantages and limitations, which can vary widely depending on the massively varying price points. In this article, we’ll give an introductory breakdown to night vision devices to help aid you in deciding whether a NVG device is worth it for your airsofting experience!

How does night vision even work?

The technology behind NVGs is incredibly hard to manufacture, hence its hefty price point. It’s difficult to fully breakdown the process without giving an extensive physics lecture, but here’s the just of it:

1. Ambient Light Collection: NVGs aren’t magic. Some degree of ambient light is required for NVGs to work. Moonlight, starlight, or a distant lamppost are typically suitable enough for decent visibility.

2. Image Intensification: The miniscule amount of photons from the ambient light are converted into electrons inside the device in a part known as the photocathode. These electrons are then directed towards the MCP (Microchannel Plate), which multiplies the electrons it makes contact with.

3. Phosphor Power: The electrons are projected onto a phosphor screen, which then displays an amplified image of the surrounding area. The color of your phosphor determines the color of your image (the converted electrons don’t retain color information!). Most NVG tubes come in green or white.

Night Vision Generational Differences

The effectiveness of NVG devices are often broken down into “Generations,” which are a shorthand way of describing the performance level of your device’s technology. They are as follows:

Generation 1: The earliest iteration of night vision technology. It is comparatively weak to modern devices and requires a significant amount of ambient light to function. These devices usually come equipped with a powerful IR flashlight to aid in visibility, making these devices stand out like a beacon to other NVG users. Resolution is quite poor.

Generation 2: These devices are generally usable without needing significant ambient light. Resolution is substantially improved, and performance is reasonably serviceable for those looking to pick up a NVG device without truly breaking the bank.

Generation 3: Gen 3 NVGs are the high end of commercial night vision devices. They have higher resolution and perform much better in lower light conditions than Gen 2s. These devices have the longest lifespan, but are significantly more expensive than previous technology.

Best Night Vision Devices for Airsoft Use!

As an all-around device that’ll let you see in the dark without at the lower end of the NVG budget, the standard PVS-14 Gen 2+ with White Phosphor does just about everything expected of it. Its light amplification strength is on the higher end of Gen 2, and the white phosphor screen provides a better contrast between light and dark objects than the standard green. The PVS-14 specifically is a military specified device, meaning parts and accessories for the platform are readily available. Although larger milsim games can stretch many acres of land, most actual airsoft engagements are going to take place within 200 ft of each other. A monocular device such as this excels in those situations, as the availability of a free eye can offer greater peripheral awareness. NVG devices also tend to struggle with viewing objects up close unless manually adjusted, making the availability of a free eyeball quite the benefit when working with smaller airsoft equipment (speedloaders, CO2).

This, in conjunction with a J-Arm, will be what you need to mount a PVS-14 to your bump helmet.

If you have the extra cash to spend and really like the idea of a monocular device, AGM Global also offers a Gen 3 PVS 14 with massively improved light amplification ability. At lower light levels, these higher grade devices can make a massive difference. Why spend nearly twice as much on binocular Gen 3s when you can see just as well for half the price?

As cost effective as a monocular device is, it’ll never truly immerse you in the monochromatic light amplified world quite in the same way a binocular will. You’re given two eyes for a reason. Take advantage of both of them, gaining depth perception and a wider field of illuminated view with a binocular NVG device!

Despite the popularity of white phoshpor NVGs, green phosphor has a following as well! You’re not alone if you prefer the classic see-in-the-dark color gradient. One of the biggest reasons people will opt for binoculars over monoculars is the reduction in eye strain, which can be unsettling for some monocular users. Seeing two different images with both eyes is hard on the mind and eye, leading to fatigues, headaches, and even nausea in some. A binocular device allows you to see in the dark in a way much more biologically naturally, easing the experience and improving visual acuity.

Want the fanciest night vision device AGM has to offer on Check out the NVG-40 Gen 3 White Phosphors we have here! As the price might suggest, this is the true premium package, optimizing your low light experience!

Do you think real NVGs are a reasonable piece of equipment for an airsoft game? It depends on the event! At airsoft events where the majority of game time is spent during the night (such as Milsim West), a decent set of night vision can prove invaluable for gathering information on enemy movements from afar. It’s probably excessive to take this to a pickup game at a casual indoor field, and most outdoor airsoft games are run during the daytime regardless. These specialized devices have their specialized niche. I truly only recommend these if there’s an event near you that’s heavy on low light operations. Tired of being spotted from hundreds of yards away at Milsim and wish you could see your enemy just as well as they see you? Level the playing field with a NVG device from AGM Global now sold on!
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